Hon. Justice Steven B.K. Kavuma Profile
Hon. Justice Steven Kavuma
Hon. Justice Steven B. K Kavuma was appointed Justice of the Court of\r\nAppeal/Constitutional Court on 29 October 2004.
He has since March 2013 served as acting\r\nDeputy Chief Justice, following the demise of then Acting Deputy Chief Justice,\r\nHon. Justice Constance Byamugisha, and subsequently as acting Chief Justice,\r\nfollowing the retirement of the former Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Benjamin\r\nOdoki, mid-2013.
Hon. Justice Kavuma was born on 29\r\nSeptember 1948, and attended Kamanya (now Bunamwaya) Primary School in Wakiso\r\nDistrict (1960); Mengo Junior School; Mengo Senior Secondary School; Nyakasura\r\nSchool (1969). He then joined Makerere University, Kampala from where he graduated\r\nwith a Bachelor of Laws with Honors in 1974, and attained a Post-Graduate\r\nDiploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Center in 1975. He is also a\r\nholder of a certificate in Project Planning and Management (1997), a\r\ncertificate Computer Applications (2002), and is currently pursuing a masters’\r\ndegree in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies from Makerere\r\nUniversity.
His professional career began in 1975 as\r\na State Attorney in the Attorney General’s Chambers (Solicitor General’s Department),\r\nfrom where he was seconded to head the Legal Department of the National\r\nInsurance Corporation, rising into the position of Corporation Secretary.
In 1981, Hon. Justice Kavuma left\r\nGovernment service and went into Private Practice under the firm name of Kavuma\r\n& Company Advocates, which firm later became Kavuma, Katureebe &\r\nCompany Advocates.
He served in the Resistance Councils of\r\nMpigi District (1986-88), was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance in charge of\r\nCustodian Board (1988). He was represented Kyadondo Country both in the\r\nNational Resistance Council (then Interim Parliament) and the National\r\nExecutive Committee of the Movement.
Hon. Justice Kavuma served as a Deputy\r\nDirector (Legal) at the NRM secretariat, before getting elected to represent\r\nfor Kyadondo South in the Constituent Assembly in 1994. He was further served\r\nas chairman of the Rules Committee which developed the Rules of Procedure of\r\nParliament.
He was appointed Minister of State for\r\nJustice and Constitutional Affairs, was in 1996 elected to the 6th\r\nParliament as Member of Parliament for Kyadondo County South Constituency, and\r\nwas appointed Minister of State for Defence in 1998.
Hon. Justice Kavuma has attended a\r\nnumber of important conferences and missions, including: the Lusaka Cease-fire\r\nAgreement negotiations for the DR Congo; the Joint Uganda/Rwanda Committee on\r\nDRC; the Joint Uganda/Sudan Committee; the Darker Inaugural Seminar the African\r\nCentre for Strategic Studies, 1999 on the subjects of Civil Military relations\r\nand collective security; and was member of the Uganda delegation, the political\r\ncommittee/UN Security Council session on DRC in New York USA, 2000.
He is a member of the University\r\nCouncil, Makerere University Council, and is the current Chairman of the\r\nAfrican Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) Uganda Chapter.
Hon. Justice Kavuma is a sportsman who\r\nenjoys playing lawn tennis, table tennis and badminton.
Interview with Hon. Justice Kavuma
Posted 5th, March 2015